This is a tale of unrequited love between a young boy and a golden retriever. Harry loves nothing more than to crawl around after Saffy, and Saffy loves nothing more than to run away from him as fast as she can (she's 13 so she can't run that fast these days). The already fragile relationship took a turn for the worse today when young Harry pulled a rather large clump of fur out of Saffys tail. Harry loves hair pulling. He's only 9 months old so there's nothing vicious about it, he just can't help himself.

Saffy is actually really good with him. She plays hard to get, but I can tell that she is secretly very fond of him. She tantalises Harry by walking past him swooshing her tail.
Harry has gone home now and I think Saffy might be a teensy bit relieved. She no longer has her tail hidden between her legs so that Harry can't grab it, and she is finally able to go to sleep without fear of being poked in the eye or having her ear tugged.