Friday, 26 February 2010

A Nasty Accident

A nasty accident took place on Monday involving my leg and boiling water. I now have a golf ball sized scald on my left thigh that is really rather nasty. It is very sore, and I am having to visit the doctor a couple of times a week to have my dressing changed.

This is the worst thing I have ever done! When I was 12 I cut a small portion of my thumb off, but this is far worse. When I was 13 I tore the ligaments in my leg and was on crutches for a few weeks, but this is far worse. When I was 15 I (possibly, although it was never confirmed) broke 2 of my fingers whilst playing netball, but this is far worse.

So, just to clarify, this is really bad and I'm not at all happy about it.

Whilst I am sitting on my backside resting my leg, I am going to try and get stuck in to The Time Travellers Wife. I have finally finished reading The Lovely Bones, and TTTW is going to be my next read.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what is going on with me. I'm feeling very sorry for myself so please feel free to give me as much sympathy as you like.


Friday, 12 February 2010

Mental Block

It's 12.23pm on Friday, and at 11.00am on Monday I have a load of work I have to hand in to my assessor. What am I doing right now? I'm changing the background on my blog (which I'm not too happy with, but I got bored looking)!

I desperately need to knuckle down and get this done. I have been looking at the same piece of work for days now, and I can't find any motivation to write anything. So, it very much looks as though my weekend will be spent working.

I really hope I find some inspiration from somewhere! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Things That Annoy Me

I can't believe that my first post of 2010 is going to be a moany one, but I really feel the need to vent right now. Bear with me and I'll make my next post a happy one.

1. Why do people get so worked up about absolutely nothing? I have recently witnessed someone make a completely innocent comment on Facebook, and get rounded on for it! The content of said comment isn't really important, but I can assure you there was no need for the tongue lashing that ensued.

2. Why do people (women) assume that I'm an idiot just because I don't have children? Apparently when a woman gives birth they don't just have a baby, they also become a complete know all! I'm so sick of mothers saying to me "you won't understand until you have kids" when the topic of conversation had nothing to do with children!!! I have always wanted to be a mother, but now I have the added reason of wanting children so that I can become a pain in the butt, mouthy know all.

3. My new job involves me visiting my local airport regularly (my students work at the airport). I am finding it such a palava getting in and out of the place. Last week I spent 15 mins driving to the airport car-park, 15 mins waiting for the bus to take me from the car-park to the airport, 5 mins walking to my destination, 5 mins waiting for someone to escort me to the information desk, 40 mins waiting to see my student, blah, blah, blah. I was there for 3 hours and only spent 45 mins with my student! It's a nightmare! Sadly there is nothing I can do about this.

I could go on forever, but this will suffice for now. I actually feel better for that! Happy post next time, I promise.
