I can't believe that we are half way through the year and this is the first time I have blogged! I lost my blogging MoJo for a while, but hopefully it's back.
The main reason I am breaking my blogging silence is to announce that I am going to be an auntie again. On (or around) October 17th I will become an auntie to a baby girl. October 17th is actually the birthday of my other niece so I hope, for her sake, that the new baby arrives either a little early or late. I don't think Charlotte would be too happy about sharing her birthday.
In other news, at the end of this month I begin my teacher training. It's a two week intensive course and at the end of it I will be qualified to teach at a college tutoring level (adults only). I never thought I would be doing something like this, but it's an exciting change for me. Once I have completed this course there are further courses I can take which will allow me to teach at a higher level, but I am just happy to be doing this course for now.
Last week my lovely and much loved dog Saffron turned 14 years old. She has some trouble with arthritis, but other than that is doing really well. I attach a photo of Saffy in honour of her birthday.

Well, that's all of my news for now.
Saf made a great Birthday Girl. I dont think she has any idea she is 14....