I am a fairly opinionated person. I generally keep my opinions to myself as some of them are not very PC, and I have no wish to offend anyone. I believe that if someone wants my opinion they will ask for it. To force my opinions on to someone is (in my opinion) tantamount to bullying, particularly when the opinion is voiced in an aggressive fashion. However, it would appear that one of my friends does not share this view.
The various political parties have been taking part in a series of debates where the leaders of each party come together to argue why they are the best party to rule our country. This is the first time they have done this type of thing, although I am aware that this is common place in the US.
At the end of each debate there is a poll to see which party is in the lead and likely to receive the most votes on May 6th (election day). After last nights debate it was deemed that David Cameron (Conservative Leader) had performed the best. My friend responded to this on their Facebook status by saying (I've removed my friends name from this quote) "..... is wondering what retards YouGov have sampled?!". (YouGov are the online company who put the poll together), implying that only someone who is mentally challenged would vote Conservative.
This was just one of a series of comments and possibly doesn't sound like much to complain about, but I was shocked and disappointed by this. The use of the term "retard" is unnecessary at any time, and why does someone have to be so aggressive. Is it not possible to voice your opinion without offending and alienating people - in this instance, your friends? As far as I am concerned these are the words of a bully. This person is aggressively forcing their opinion on to their Facebook friends, and making their Conservative friends feel that they are wrong for having their own opinion.
I am so disappointed in my friend. I am shocked that they could behave like this and I now feel very differently towards them. Hopefully once the election is over we can put this behind us, but until then I shall keep my distance.
I feel better for venting. Thanks for listening. :)
Jo, I am having a similar experience with my fellow posters on a migraine forum. Every time I post something the same two people...who have now swelled to three...hit on it. They twist my words and criticise and are rude an belittling.
ReplyDeleteMainly their problem seems to be that they are giving me advice and I am not taking it.
This is A: Not why one gives advice, especially when it is unsolicited.
B: Bullying & controlling.
I tried ignoring them, they continued.
Other forum members have told them to stop so now they use the Private messaging to send these diatribes.
I am sick of it and it makes me feel uncomfortable posting on the forum because they cause trouble. If I wasn't there, they couldn't.
It is also hurtful and maddening.
Bullying is never nice, and we are experiencing it in slightly different ways, but it amounts to "control". Some people just have such huge egos (but low self esteem) that have to bully to make themselves feel better.
Your friend is frankly not a friend.
Either tell her to shut it, or give up on her.
I know it sounds trite, but she is not a nice person and you are worth much more than that.
This is something that has always bothered me. This world lacks respect, that's for sure. I don't know why people feel they can say things over the computer that they would never say to someone's face, but it happens way too often. Remember the guy who called me a coward? I am so glad I said something to him because he needed to know he can't speak like that to someone. People need to know that it's disrespectful to act that way and there is absolutely no reason for it. You should say something to your friend.