Wednesday, 25 November 2009

New Moon

On Friday New Moon the movie was released, so on Saturday night a group of us rushed out to see it. I've been excited to see this film since it was one of the better books in the Twilight series.

One of the things that makes me laugh when I watch Twilight is when Edward is (supposedly) running through the woods with Bella on his back. I laugh because of the poor visual effects, he looks as though he is being pulled through the woods on a skateboard! Well the effects in New Moon are much better (thanks to the bigger budget), but it felt a little wooden. The best parts for me were the scenes with the wolves. They came across really well on the big screen.

Part of what ruined the film for me was the actress who plays Bella. I tolerated her a little better in this film than I did in Twilight, but I still can't imagine what possessed them to cast her! I don't think anyone who is incapable of opening their mouth when they speak should be allowed to act. She mumbles worse than Marlon Brando in the Godfather! She also only has one look, and that is the look of fear. The poor girl is clearly permanently scared so maybe acting isn't the line of work she should be in.

I also had a bit of a problem watching Michael Sheen in the role of Aro. I don't know how many times he has portrayed ex Prime Minister Tony Blair, but the characteristics are beginning to stick. All I could think of whilst he was on screen was Tony Blair, and I would prefer never to think about that man again!

Despite my bitchiness, all in all it was a good film and I would recommend any Twilight Saga fan goes to see it. Despite my comments I really did enjoy it and I'm already looking forward to seeing Eclipse. I apologise to Kristen Stewart (who is an avid reader of my blog) for my rudeness. If you could just learn to open your mouth when you speak, and enunciate I would be most grateful.

I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts :)


  1. I decided upon careful consideration to avoid the movie theatres last weekend due to an unprecedented amount of teenage girls who would be there. Therefore, I have not, as of yet, seen this movie. But don't you worry - it will happen!! And when it does, I'll be sure to tell you how I liked it! :) I've heard from several that it's better than Twilight. Seeing as it was my favorite book I expect it will also be my favorite movie! :)

  2. It was my favourite book too. It's a good movie, I hope you like it. Definitely let me know what you think. :)
